Can education end Poverty?

on May 23, 2023


This article was written by Catherine Mendez Pena


Did you know that education has been shown to play a significant role in reducing poverty levels?


According to a report by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, every additional year of education can increase an individual’s income by up to 10%. In this article, we will explore the impact of education on poverty levels and the challenges that individuals and societies face in accessing education.

Education is a key factor in reducing poverty levels. Studies have shown that individuals with higher levels of education have better employment prospects and higher incomes. This can in turn lead to improved living standards, better health outcomes, and increased opportunities for social mobility. Furthermore, if all students in low-income countries left school with basic reading skills, it could lift 171 million people out of extreme poverty.


However, access to education is not equal for everyone. According to a report by UNESCO, there are 258 million children and youth worldwide who are out of school, with the majority residing in low-income countries. Poverty can create significant barriers to education, as low-income families may be unable to afford school fees or provide their children with the necessary resources for academic success.

Furthermore, poverty is not just an individual issue, but rather a societal one. In the United States, people of colour and individuals from low-income families are more likely to live in poverty than their white or middle-class counterparts. Similarly, in the United Kingdom, poverty rates are higher among individuals from ethnic minority groups and disabled individuals. This indicates that poverty is not just a matter of individual effort, but rather a result of systemic inequalities and social structures.


It’s important to recognise that poverty can be cyclical, with children from low-income families less likely to complete secondary school and have limited employment opportunities, leading to a cycle of poverty that can  be difficult to break. This is known as the poverty cycle.

This highlights the need for systemic changes to address poverty, including policies that promote equal access to education and employment opportunities.


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In conclusion, education can make a significant difference in an individual’s ability to escape poverty, but access to it is not equal for everyone, and poverty is a societal issue that requires systemic changes to address. These are facts that we should all be aware of as we work towards creating a more equitable society



Filed under  Lifestyle & Wellbeing 

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